Posted by D2000lands (OpManager) (Ranked 16 on Mille Bornes (CCG Workshop) Ladder) on November 25, 2007 at 14:48:03:
Hi everyone.
The following rules have been updated or removed from the game specific rules for this ladder. Keep in mind, that the rules that are being removed does not change the rules. These particular rules were removed due to already being covered under other sections of the rules in place.
If you have any questions about the below noted changes, please use the support link on the left hand navigation menu.
Thank you for your time.
D2000lands, OpManager
Rules Team Leader
Case's Ladder
1. Top Ten Players
A top ten player must play at least once every three days to avoid being dropped five rungs for inactivity.Ladder
*** Rule removed due to being covered in the general rules.
2. One Ladder Match
It is illegal to participate in more than one Ladder match at a time.
*** Rule removed due to being covered in the general rules.
3. Ladder matches
Ladder matches are to be played in Yahoo's Global Game Room - Weasel Way.
The rule was changed to:
Playing Location (Amended 11/25/2007)
Ladder matches are to be played in Yahoo's Social Game Room - Weasel Way.
4. Official Start Of Game
A game is considered to be officially started when both players have hit start and the cards are dealt.
*** This rule was removed because it is already noted in Yahoo itself that both players have to hit start for the match to begin.
5. Challenges
You cannot accept or issue a challenge if you are currently playing a Ladder match.
*** Rule removed due to being covered in the general rules.
6. Top 20
Top 20 players have to play a down match prior to an upmatch whenever it is possible. The only time this isn't required is when there are no down matches available for you to play.
*** This rule was removed because as written, the rule cannot be enforced. It is too easy to manipulate this rule as written to fit the circumstance. If you would like to see a different version of this rule voted in, please notify the Op team.
7. Away
It is suggested, but not a rule, that you exit the room if you are going to be gone from the keyboard for more than 5 minutes as a courtesy to those players who might have missed your away message being posted.
*** This rule was removed because it is unenforceable as written. The rule, as written, makes it optional to leave the game room if away from keyboard. Again, if you would like to see an enforceable version of this rule voted on, please notify the Op team.
8. Top Ten players
Top Ten players should be very active within the Top Ten defending their rank actively and often. If this is found to not be happening it will result in penalty.
*** Rule removed due to being covered in the general rules.
9. Leaving A Game
It is illegal to leave a game to play in another after the first one has already been officially started. If you do leave a match to play in another it is an automatic loss and you must report your loss immediately. It should be noted that this is considered very rude and a display of bad manners and poor sportsmanship. In other words, this behavior will not earn you any friends or respect on this Ladder.
*** Rule removed due to being covered in the general rules.
Op Rank
Ops on this ladder are permitted to have rank in the Top 25. If any problems arise from this, please file an "Op Complaint", using the "Contact Us" link under the "Support" heading in the left-hand navigational menu.
Rule revised as follows:
Op Rank
Ops on this ladder are permitted to hold rank in the Top 25.