Lets Go Cruisin'! wooo hoooooo!!!

Lets Go Cruisin'! wooo hoooooo!!!

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Posted by oicurnaked (TD Manager) (Ranked 268 on Euchre (Yahoo) Ladder) on October 02, 2000 at 18:44:08:

Cruisin' With Case's
April 22-27

That's right! Cruisin' With Case's is fillin' up fast, people. We need to have 100 deposits in by Oct. 15th to ensure that we get the ENTIRE ship to ourselves, and we don't have that much further to go! We're just about at that 100 people mark!

We'll be givin' away three 19' color monitors, premium memberships to Case's Ladder, Kali t-shirts, some cajun gift baskets, and maybe just MAYBE if we get enough people signed up we're hopin' to give away a scanner, digital camera, and some other GREAT prizes as well. Yes, we'll be givin' out lotsa $$CASH$$ as well.

Who's comin'? Great question! All ya have to do to check out who's comin' is look at the manifest. You can even see who's coming listed by ladder! (pssst rumor has it that abi and case might be comin', but no promises as of yet)

What if you don't know gin, euchre, or cribbage? So what! Get some people together that know how to play YOUR game and host a tournament. Impromptu tournaments will be going on all the time hosted by players themselves!

So, go visit our site and check things out. Make sure to fill out the registration form ASAP if you plan on comin'!


If you have any questions you can mail us at cruisin@igl.net.

Cruisin' With Case's

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