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Posted by Bootsnbra (Ranked on Pinochle (WON) Ladder) on August 30, 2000 at 12:19:34:

One day I was sitting in the backyard.A bird appeared like never I had seen.I watched all the other birds sit in awe at the sounds this new bird could make.So beautiful it captivated everyone and everything around it.A huge black crow which normally receives that attention began squawking.Soon the Songbird was listening to the crow.Having never heard His sounds before of course the Songbird thought he was unique and splendid and went closer to the Crow thinking they were birds of a feather alike.The Songbird in all it's honesty was thinking what beautiful music together we could make and did not fear the Crow.The Crow continued squawking on and on repeatedly making the same noise.Then the Songbird was right next to the crow and the Songbird realized This isnt music the Crow is making this is just noise.This music does not come from the heart but from the mind calculated to silence the Songbird so that the Crow could receive the attention it always held until the Songbird appeared.So the Crow would do anything , squawk anything to shutout the Songbird.When the Crow realized the Songbird knew what was going on it called to it's friends and said Quick come here and help me if we dont silence this Songbird we will lose our respect.So they all ganged up trying to Caww louder and louder.To some they appeared as vultures and everyone shook their at the Crows but did not tell the Crows what they thought and the Crows in their warped minds took it as a sign of encouragement to continue on.Sooner or later everything and anything the Crows squawked was still heard but the repeated sounds over and over became just as insignificant as the Crows.It was just the same ole same ole bad behavior.
Funny thing is everyone and everything around the Songbird remembered the beauty they heard from the Songbird no matter what the Crow would do to try and silence the memory of that beautiful sound and so everyone and everything waited until the Songbird sang again.....I'm glad you are singing again my friend and nothing the Crow does can erase that which we all know to be the truth of that beautiful sound so sing...for we have missed your songs........

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