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Posted by JustMeDeb (Ranked 26 on Pinochle (WON) Ladder) on August 27, 2000 at 01:43:35:
In Reply to: LADDER ROOM posted by *DX* (Gold Member) on August 27, 2000 at 01:22:23:
very well said Rick, I have met some very special people here that I will never forget, and I too hope we will get the chance to see each other again if won choses to take the ladder room away. I want you and all the other great friends I made in this room to know it was a pleasure meeting and playing this game we all love together. There where days when I didn't even want to face the day and would come on just to take my mind off something or another and someone here would always make me feel better and able to face the rest of that day. I know that sounds silly to some of you but for me its the honest truth and I also feel like we have become a family through the good times and the bad times in this room. and Rick is right they can never take our memories away.
Love you all
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