Wons Closure of Ladder Room

Wons Closure of Ladder Room

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Posted by spark_plug (Gold Member) (Ranked 72 on Pinochle (WON) Ladder) on August 23, 2000 at 08:37:44:

I am surprised and saddened by Wons decision to close the ladder room. For so many people it has become a large part of their lives.

What really surprises me is that they have accepted the money of so many subscribers here recently knowing that they were going to close the site. I for one feel that refunds are due to those who subscribed over the past few weeks. I believe by taking the money of these folks they have committed a fraud against the public.

I for one will not follow Case to another site so that I can get comfortable with my fellow players and then have the same situation occur again.

I will miss all you wonderful people that I have met and want to whole heartedly thank all the TDs who worked so hard to make it fun for all of us.

Good Luck to all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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