goody ridance

goody ridance

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Posted by zappa_7 (Gold Member) (Ranked 29 on Pinochle (WON) Ladder) on August 22, 2000 at 12:12:32:

With the current management of cases at Won. net it is best rules are applied, people can and do cheat, so the cases system, where as it works great at other sites, is not working here anyway.....maybe if Won takes it back we can have some real rules and not the flim flam that goes on here,,,,,,,,,, I can see nothing lost ladder bux are worthless except in uheard of amounts.....and other than having one or two good tourney directors what else do they do??

has anyone really done anything for you from Cases??....I mean think of it......No one has to leave..just the troublemakers will be hurt here so let them go......Trust me this will be for the betterf.......John (Zappa)

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