In Reply to: Re: PLEASE READ ALL AND THEN DO posted by Sally Sunshine on August 22, 2000 at 11:13:06:
: : Please voice your opinions, and in a civil manner too, please. This isn't over yet. They may or may not listen to us, the players, TD's, OP's, who have poured our time and money into bringing players to this site, but we can't go out without a fight. Please Post your concerns at the link below. REMEMBER your current WON login will not work to post here, YOU MUST register again to post on the WON message boards. Thank you
I am not sure what is going on here, but I am concerned and maybe a little confused! I have become very used to the cases/won connection and should there be a break up I would become deeply hurt as I have developed many a relationship with the combo! It would be like a divorce!
: :