: Hi all, Just a reminder, that TOC (tourney of champions) is allmost upon us. TOC will be held on sept 3 at 4 pm est 1 pm pst in tourney room 6. We will start on time. Check in will be open at 3 pm est. We all now that WON has been giving us all problems getting into rooms. So please make sure you come early. (we wait for no one lol) To see if you are reg go to www2.igl.net/tourney/75315 and www2.igl.net/tourney/78787 if you arent on ither one of these two pages, e-mail me with the tourney you won and the td name and I will take care of it. We will be giving away 3000 ladder buxs that day. Plus the 10 bux entry. Thanks Bacc ( joe )
ps. This is a double eliminations tourney