Cruisin' With Case's! 5 Day Tournament Cruise!

Cruisin' With Case's! 5 Day Tournament Cruise!

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Posted by oicurnaked (Platinum) (Ranked 909 on Euchre (WON) Ladder) on August 16, 2000 at 21:57:34:


I just wanted you all to know about a live tournament coming up. It's not coming for a while yet, so you will have PLENTY of time to plan for it.

Cruisin' With Case's!

Some of the TDManagers have planned a 5 day tournament cruise from April 22nd until April 27th of next year.

On the cruise we will have tournaments all day long, each and every day. This cruise is mainly for euchre, cribbage, and gin. We will have a $$BIG BUX$$ Tournament for each of those games, which will have an entry fee of $35. We expect the total pot for these tournaments to be WELL over $500 each since we will be adding to the pot. (fyi Players are free to host their own tournaments whenever they wish. That means if you want to host a tournament other than euchre, cribbage, or gin you may do so. If you're interested in hosting a players tournament with a game other than cribbage, euchre, or gin please mail as at and we will help get a time and format arranged.)

Okay, more about the cruise. We will leave from New Orleans and go through the Gulf of Mexico to Cozumel, Mexico. We will have time to do some scuba diving and other things while we're there. The ship has a casino, some bars, a pool, and some live shows as well. There will be MUCH more to do than just play cards.

Here's the scoop. We can get the ENTIRE SHIP to ourselves. That's right, over 200 cabins filled with Case's Ladder players from all over the world! There's room on the ship for more than 450 guests, and we plan on getting them ALL BOOKED FOR CASE'S!

If you're interested in this cruise you can visit our website at and check it out. We need to have 100 deposits in by Oct. 15th to get the ENTIRE SHIP to ourselves. The deposit is $200. Check out our web page!

If you have any questions you can mail us at and we'll be more than willing to help you out in any way we can.

TDManagement Team

Check out the Cruisin' With Case's webpage!

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