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Posted by zalesman (Gold Member) (Ranked 35 on Pinochle (WON) Ladder) on August 02, 2000 at 15:13:49:

as it was the day i joined, and the day you joined, new people join cases ladder pino everyday...without them the room would be stale, stagnant, and would eventually die a tortureous, squabbling death...that said...

it is not enough to get them here...

we get them signed up in a hurry before every tourney, lure them in with the promise of great card play, and then maybe see them from time to time in the ladder room...


when we get them signed up we MUST ask them to READ THE is their responsibility i know, but lately we have been inundated with the "ONE WEEK WONDER"s..

as sappy as it sounds, the rules we have are the only difference between the "LADDER ROOM" and "SOCIAL ROOM #2"...think about it..the game is the same, just different rules...rules for reporting, getting a game, signing up for tourneys...but still pino...

in the last two days ive seen EDDIEBRO (ranked 6th or 7th) absolutely ignore every person that asked for a game unless they outranked him...same with bullriding333...

fella's..this is not the rated room, where you can pick and chose who you want to play..every time someone here "asks" for a game, they are challenging you, and you MUST play them..just because they ask nicely doesnt change it....

i also watched hann the other day, 30 minutes before he had to go RUN a tourney, play a game against another newcomer who asked him, without batting an eye...i played the newcomer right after hann, and her rank was 254th...

hann was #1, late for a tourney, and her rank was very low, and he didnt say other fellas might want to take a page out of hann's book and read it....Z

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