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Posted by Bootsnbra (Ranked 14 on Pinochle (WON) Ladder) on July 28, 2000 at 10:42:57:

In Reply to: THE TIME HAS COME....... posted by *DX* (Platinum) on July 28, 2000 at 07:58:29:

Thankies...but I'm confused....When you are in trouble or hurt or upset is it not your friends you should draw closer to? When I was younger, I believed when things went wrong I would say Oh fine and take on an attitude that I of course would kick the worlds butt and in so doing I would push away the very people that have traveled the path before me.In doing that I came to realize I made things harder on myself because just like dorthy in the wizard of oz all I had to do was tap my shoes ...the answer was before me ....inside my friends The ones who could have shortened the steps I had to take because I failed to rely on their experiences believing I had to take the world on by myself which goes against the basics of life.If God wanted you to rely soley on yourself he wouldnt of put Eve with Adam which in doing so God sent the message you do not have to rely on yourself soley...getting cancer has been a very humbling time but yet the wisdom I have gained from this experience is beyond belief.Confronted with a system that failed a couple people gathered their strength and are helping to save my does not feel good to say Oh #!*^ I need help but I like to look to ten years from now when we can laugh and I can look in their eyes and say " remember when"....Do not lose the " remember when's" Rick.They are the strength of the foundation of a very deep love in friendship showing us that together we are the solution to problems that seem just oh too big at the time before us because we are trying to face them may be your turn to need a friend but next year may be their turn to need a friend...think bout it and hope to see ya come bouncing thru the door to play ....
I'm done preaching lol...hey ? Pepsi get that match away from my soap box NO! NO !
O o 0 o <~~~~smoke rings where my soap box use to be lmaoooooooo he torched that sucker lol....
Wishing you love,peace,happiness & Health
(= =) ** Bootsie** (= =)

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