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Posted by zalesman (Gold Member) (Ranked 32 on Pinochle (WON) Ladder) on July 24, 2000 at 03:16:32:

Man did syl and i get hosed last night....
After winning (stealing) a game from sizz/dizz, (did those get reported?, not trying to quibble but anytime i beat tough oppenents i would like it to reflect),we get told that the WHOLE tourney is to be reset for 2 players...(who where they?)..now its 9:15pm, and, as bad as i feel for those two, i know in my heart that i cant start a new tourney...I own a construction company, and we start early...on the east coast...NOW I'M OUT!!!...Boots p (also in a similar situation) cant start again...Tell me how this is right, we start over to let 2 in but in the process force at least two out????
Has anyone in here ever been in a tourney that NO ONE has been DQ'd out of because won booted them, their isp went down, etc....sorry folks....

Whether i had intentions of taking my team all the way to the finals, or just playing with the many wonderful people that turned out (and what a turn out!) is irrelavant, but I was 14th going in, my p sylmarilin7 was ranked 19th, and we had as good a shot as anyone...especially after our first win....

I cannot believe that AFTER PLAY HAD STARTED, not after just play had started, but AFTER GAMES HAD BEEN WON AND LOST!!!! we were told to start over....i cant help but feel we got hosed.....

I dont want some namby-pamby psuedo-explaination of "why we had to do this.."...
save it....it was wrong to up-heave ALL the players and restart for anyone...what if I get booted next tourney, and dont make it back for 15 minutes....will we start over????

This is not sour grapes...it was a hosing...

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