Wildcards bulletin board

Wildcards bulletin board

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Posted by dippy2u (LadderOp) (Ranked 14 on Pinochle (Wildcards) Ladder) on October 09, 2000 at 20:04:16:

Players: Tonight I had a conversation with the programmers at wildcards. They are working on improving the site for the players and would like any imput, suggestions ect from you the players. There is a forum at www.wildcards.com where you can post suggestions and they will be answered by the programmers themselves. There will also be daily updates once they get ideas and stuff together. Please visit the site and ask any questions or give your ideas or even your comments. There is going to be a whole new set up for wildcards pinochle players and they want the site to be what the players want. Please visit there and make your suggestions and comments. The address is www.wildcards.com and then select forum . It is a bulletin board so others can see your ideas and perhaps expand on them. Lets help wildcards help us to make the site what we all want it to be.

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