Re: How can this help

Re: How can this help

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Posted by sjanke (LadderOp) (Ranked 20 on Pinochle (Wildcards) Ladder) on November 26, 2000 at 09:40:16:

In Reply to: How can this help posted by dippy2u (Head Wild Pinochle Op) on November 26, 2000 at 09:26:31:

: This is my opinion on the whole td issue. How does it help any players to publicly air your difficulties (which are actually personality conflicts) in public. I think we need the td's here running tourneys. But this site is for the players, tournament directors are volunteers who offer their time because they love the game and the ladder. My question is this: How can this help anyone by asking players to pick sides in this disagreement, (of which I don't know all the details). If you truly care about the players, you would not make public comments and ask the players to chose sides in a disagreement that truly does not involve them. I for one, refuse to chose sides, I love the tourneys here and know we need these tds to help build the ladder. It is my opinion that players are leaving this ladder not because of fewer tournaments, but because of the unrest here. It seems like it is won all over again. Who needs the fighting, when most of us are just here to play and have fun. As an op, I would love to see this the fun place it was once. Also let me say this, Joe when I first introduced players to this site, I recall you said you hated it here and would not play here. I know you feel like you are responsible for having this site set up by cases, but there are others who know that is not true, and does it really matter who started cases here? What should matter is what we do with it now we have it. Do we want the same garbage we had at Won. Most of us, I am sure do not. I want to have fun and I am also sure most of these players do. I can do without all the fighting and want to enjoy my free time online playing cards. Is there anyone here who does not want this? I sure hope not! Lets all get out here to do what we came here to do, have fun and play with friends. We do not need to pick sides, and we can chose to ignore the fighting amongst others by not becoming involved and siding with one or the other. Perhaps if we do this, the fighting will die out on its own, as nobody wants to be involved.
: Dippy

Well said, Dippy

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