Re: Bringing This Ladder Back

Re: Bringing This Ladder Back

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Posted by GemSparkles (Ranked 3 on Monopoly ( Ladder) on April 04, 2004 at 13:49:45:

In Reply to: Bringing This Ladder Back posted by ATESTH00KA (LadderOp) on April 02, 2004 at 22:37:41:

Hi Ates:

I think that is great... As like you once before I tried to bring this ladder back to life... Not an easy job that is for sure... I do believe and always have that this league could come alive again... Just takes alot of hard work... I will do all that I can to help out within my means...

I wish you all the luck ates.... I truely would love to see this league up and running...

As for the issue of having another league in the same room... It does make it a little difficult to deal with... But if everyone on both sides respects the other league, I personally think that it will be ok... Just a matter of RESPECTING one another...

Can I say I'm happy about another league in our room... No I can't say that... But I can say that I will do what it takes to make it work, for both leagues...

Hope to see others start coming back to the room. and keeping my fingers crossed to finally start getting some action going on in the room...

Being celibate is a tuff thing to do, even if it is playing monopoly... *weg*

Take care, be safe and well eveyone...


gem :-)

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