A Ladder Match!!!!

A Ladder Match!!!!

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Posted by GemSparkles (Ranked 7 on Monopoly (Games.com) Ladder) on January 05, 2004 at 20:00:07:

Well after many nights sitting alone... I finally got to play a ladder match... Hmmmmm now that Im sitting here thinking... Maybe I was better off just sitting in the room hoping for a ladder match... As I lost the match... j/k... Atest... great game... Hoping that others will see this and read it and start coming back to the room to play again... just hope the league will wake up and realize what a good league we had and still can have...

I wish to encourge all memebers to return to the room, as all the problems with the sight seem to be fixed and we can start playing again... and who knows maybe with some more room activity a TD will see it as we want this league to continue and start holding tourney's again like we used too... Just sad to see this room go to waste...

Take care everyone...

Gem :-)

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