Posted by 7DZens (Gold Member) (Ranked 6 on Monopoly ( Ladder) on November 21, 2003 at 09:17:10:
Anyone interested in playing should meet up in Marvin Gardens at for league night. We'll try to start around 9:30 eastern and play as long as we have other members to play with.
When you get there begin asking for "gamesmonop ladder matches" I know its boring to sit in the lobby if you're the only one there but its the best way to get the league active again. Please dont play non-league games because you cant find another member right away.
If you absolutely must play a non-league game, try leaving a message here in the forum that you're in the garden playing and other league members should scan tables if they would like to find you for a ladder.
Hope to see your bright shining faces tonight gang!