While I understand and agree that we have always shared our lobby with leagues who's lobbies were having trouble I think its time for the myleague sharing with us now to leave. Park Place is running fine and has been for a while. Ive been playing there all week and havent been booted and have had some of their leagues staff agree that it is up and running fine. I witnessed jrado2005TD advertise their league address and claim that the lobby belonged to them just a few moments ago. When I tried to correct him on it he really appeared to think the lobby was theirs. If this is the way their staff thinks, its obvious they've been away from home to long.
Its almost impossible to get new players to join our league because this myleague is so prevailing it appears that our league our the outsiders. Whoever the top brass was that gave them permission to "borrow" the lobby needs to stay on top of the situation so we can concentrate on getting the players in MG to join and help build this league back up.
Any ideas on who this person is???