In Reply to: New TD... posted by Reb70 on February 18, 2003 at 16:23:50:
: Hi All!
: I have been TDing for almost a year, I have also been an Admin & HTD for the biggest Monopoly league and HTD on a few others. I usually host a tourney a day, and more on weekends. I enjoy helping out struggling leagues or new leagues to help get them established (and I continue to play there), I have been following along with the gamesmonop league and would greatly enjoy helping you guys out and continuing on to maybe being a Head TD here and to really get to meet all of you guys!!
: I hope you guys accept me, and after I am accepted I am changing my name to EternityPlus, but I can't change it now because it will mess up the TD app!
: C Ya @ The tables!
: Reb
Welcome EternityPlus, Glad to have you! :)
See ya in the Garden!
Msn- (