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Posted by Jaguar (LeadOp) (Ranked 15 on Monopoly ( Ladder) on December 17, 2002 at 10:37:33:

In Reply to: Re: this ladder posted by ICantWinL8ly on December 16, 2002 at 07:43:33:

Combine all of those leagues that have lots of tournaments into ONE ladder. Imagine the possibilities! We are a small ladder, and yes, we do have problems getting players in tournaments. My personal opinion is that combining ladders/leagues would do a number of things for the Case's/MyLeague Monopoly Community:

1. Almost always have a person to play.
2. Have lots of tournaments.
3. Establish a united front. What I mean is this, if all of us are united, what can make us fall? Things are more likely to get done at if we work together.

All of these are simply my personal opinions, not the policies of this ladder's Op Team or Case's Ladder in general. Given the chance, however, I would absolutely LOVE to see something like this happen.


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