In Reply to: Alright, I gotta say something posted by filmdude (Gold Member) on October 19, 2002 at 08:43:14:
: It's been a month since the last posting. I may not play hardly any more, but I check the forum from time to time. What happened to everyone? Is this ladder dying the slow death?
i have also gotta say something. i have been watching it waiting for someone to say something in there and was gunna post something my self last night in there that it had been a month but i figued id let it go and see how long it would go. i think its crazy to see whats this ladder has gone from to what it is now. we used to be the #1 monopoly league now we are dead last. over the past few months ive joined some other ladders and we play in excess of 400 ladders a day!!! around here were lucky if we play 2 or 3! in other leagues we have basicly a tourney every hour every day! here we have to have a marathon to do that! i think that its about time to take back out ladder. i cant do it by my self and i know other people have been trying as well. people need to start hosting more tourneys and getting in to marvins more often my self included. im gunna lay this challenge out to everyone on this ladder. lets try and get the word out to people that we exist! if we all get 1 member a week, just one, our league will double its size in one week! thats my challenge to everyone. i also wanna challenge our td's, lets get some tourneys going. if we all host one with in the next 3 days or so we will have a lot of tourneys happening and one of the best ways to get new members in the league is by having a tourney and showing other people how much fun they really are! i hope you guys think about this and try and hear my out!