Re: Tournament players reply to this root message with prefered day/time vote replacing Subject.

Re: Tournament players reply to this root message with prefered day/time vote replacing Subject.

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Posted by TyroneTanic (Gold Member) (Ranked 106 on Scrabble (Zone) Ladder) on December 04, 2005 at 12:50:44:

In Reply to: Re: Tournament players reply to this root message with prefered day/time vote replacing Subject. posted by TyroneTanic (Gold Member) on December 04, 2005 at 12:47:32:

I have an idea for how we can keep everyone on the Scrabble v.1 Ladder together. It's different from what we're used to, but it works.

Two things are needed, both of which already exist:
A meeting place (chat channel)
The ability for players to direct-connect to each other (Scrabble v.1 has this feature)
1. Regarding the meeting place: Case's already has a built-in IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client. It's Java-based and not all that pretty to look at, but it works.

Here's how it would work:

Players go to the Case Menu and choose AUDITORIUM. That automatically launches the IRC chat client. Everyone is dumped into the main channel at first and given a nickname of Guest101 (or some other number).

To make a new room, or join an existing room, all one needs to do is type /join #. (For example, /join #scrabblezone)
To change your nickname, type /nick . For example, /nick TyroneTanic

At this point, everyone is in the channel and ready to play.

2. Launching a game via Direct-Connect:

First, anyone wanting to host a game must know his/her IP address, which is your unique address on the internet. You can find this out many ways. Easiest would be to double-click your network connection icon in your tray (bottom right where your clock is), then click the DETAILS tab, and look down the list to where you see CLIENT IP ADDRESS ( for example) -- those four numbers, separated by dots are your IP number.

(One note about IP addresses .. some ISPs give you a "static" IP address, which means your IP address is the same each time you log on .. while others have a "dynamic" IP address, which changes each time you log on.)

After the host's address is known, any 2, 3 or 4 players are now ready to "direct-connect" to each other.

The host launches first, and selects NEW GAME on the menu. Assuming it's just two players, the host is PLAYER 1, then clicks two buttons designating PLAYER 2 as HUMAN -- as opposed to playing the computer -- and that he/she will be connecting via INTERNET.

The players(s) not hosting launch, select JOIN GAME, and type in the IP ADDRESS ( for example) of the Host.

And you're connected and ready to play, just as you did on the Zone.

Again, this seems complicated at first, and it is. But who says old dogs can't learn new tricks).

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