minor issue

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Posted by mink (Ranked 3 on Canasta (Gaming Safari) Ladder) on April 24, 2015 at 05:17:28 PDT:

SO, when i entered lobby a game was in progress with players A & B. When their game ended, both players asked me for a game almost simultaneously. Let's say player B was first however, by a fraction of a second. According to the rules, the player who was there first, should have priority, so I asked Player A, who was there first, and they said they were, in fact, they had waited over 2 hours for player B to come into the room. So I told player B, that player A was here first, But they were of the opinion that because Player A lost the last game, they had to LEAVE the lobby to "go report" before playing another game. and THEY said, that that bumped them up to the first player in the room now. I disagreed, yes, you have to report before playing, but I do not feel that you must leave and lose your standing. Sheesh...think player B left in a huff, when i disagreed, but I hope not. Alas, can't please everyone all the time. All Ioculd do was tell them I hoped to catch them later.

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