BOXED for answering Carol\'s question

BOXED for answering Carol\'s question

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Posted by cylon01 (Ranked 3 on Wild Zone Singles (PlayOK) Ladder) on May 27, 2019 at 07:12:53 PDT:

I truthfully answered Carol\'s question about me applying for TD and as I stated I could do it but wouldn\'t cause I would box so many for cheating and that the TDs won\'t and haven\'t done anything to any of the cheaters. Essie hates the truth and that\'s not fair to the fair playing players. As I stated Sunday Night in answering Carol (which essie said in chat that she did nothing wrong) which neither of us did but you see who they BOX (ME) LOL. Yet I never accused any ONE person of cheating (cause we all know who does) but it was my answer as to why I wouldn\'t TD here in this league. But I do play rated as well so no stopping my pino game anyway LMBO

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