Live Tourney?

Live Tourney?

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Posted by goofybd6 (Platinum) (Ranked 3 on Euchre (Yahoo) Ladder) on July 21, 2017 at 23:19:07 PDT:

ok this is a bit scary for me since I have only played 3 games with real people in my life. But, Monet is apparently out in hosting the annual live tourney at Niagra (which is too far for me and likely would never have gotten there and now needs a passport). But I had another thought (which I ran by my wife first of course) about maybe hosting a live tourney where I live (Portland Oregon). There is a place 4 blocks away that has rooms, bars (they make their own beer and hard liquor) that is community minded. If it was organized in advance and they knew they were getting new business - they also would donate a community room so we could hold the tourneys. Knowing my band,I could convince them to play and I know the place would open up another room to allow for the band and dancing. I do need to double check with the place to make sure they will allow all this but i am highly confident they will. But of course to ensure that, I need to give them an idea of how much business they will get in return for their generosity. Is there anyone interested? Can I can get a hand count?

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