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Posted by sadsacky123 (Ranked on Cribbage (GameDesire) Ladder) on August 30, 2006 at 22:20:32:

You've heard me say that Cases's censorship crapola policies are all unrealistic, manipulative ways of singling out those with an opinion differing from their own. True, they claim “we really do not like Cencorship “, but too often, they do think and behave in ways that reinforce that image. Looking at it on the bright side, Cases's dysfunctional, foul insults to long term members like myself can be quite educational. By studying them, existing members can observe firsthand the consequences of this organization consumed with paranoia, fear, hatred, and ignorance. I mean really an 8 Month earlier this year for nothing more than a post informing the members of this website that the parent company was being investagated by the SEC ?? Kicked off the NASDAQ for not properly accounting for revenue ?? Can you spell ENRON ??

We don't need to demonize Cases; it is already a demon, and furthermore, I would never take a job working or volunteering for it. Given its power tripping values of You will not speak ill of this company …EVEN when it’s the TRUTH !! - who would want to?

Cases attempts to crush the will of all individuals who have expressed opininiated and intellectual opposition to its silly policies. I'm willing to accept that it will go to almost any extreme to prevent my message of truth from getting out. But its whinges are a mere cavil, a mere scarecrow, one of the last shifts of a desperate and dying cause. People have pointed out to me that unlike Cases's words, my own pranks are not vague and undefined. Censorship is a vile term that Intelligent Americans find foul. So why does Cases cling to it? Fortunately for us, the key to the answer is obvious: Cases claims that all literature which opposes it is ripe for removal.. I'm not writing this letter for your entertainment. I'm not even writing it for your education. I'm writing it because I CAN and it repulses me.
Cases wants you to believe that it is removing my posts because they are resplete with 4 letter words ?? Because I was banned for other dastardly deeds ?? Cow COOKIES I say ! …..I take great pride in the eclusive NON use of any such bastardizations of the english language, and I have never cheated in any way shape or form ….EVER !! As many of who have taken the time to read any post I have penned can attest. How stupid does Lady BUG think people are ? There aren't enough hours in the day to fully answer that question.
Truth is in the pudding …or the facts garnered within ……..don’t take my word for it
Information is readily avaible on standard business websites …..

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