Re: Hang in there hon :o))

Re: Hang in there hon :o))

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Posted by -mrs99- (Gold Member) (Ranked 4 on Yahtzee (Excite) Ladder) on May 07, 2002 at 06:24:58:

In Reply to: Hang in there hon :o)) posted by mrs_99 on November 06, 2000 at 20:51:20:

Time for a Deep Breath! Please Read, It may help :)))

Hi All :)

I'm posting this under my Yahtzee (Excite) account because my Staff colors are attached to this ladder and I want no mistaking the fact that I am posting this as a veteran player (who's seen and learned ALOT in my 2 years playing on various Ladders) and not in any official capacity. The opinions posted here are in no way representative of Case's Ladder or the Op or TD Teams. These are my own personal thoughts about the current goings on and advice based on experience as both a player and Op :)

Having said that, here goes:

For some time now there has been some fighting and disruptions going on in the room and the forum. The majority of the ladder is in no way personally involved, there is no need for us to be and we'd like to keep it that way. :)

Here's what we can ALL do to make this a better place to be, like the way it was before the bruhaha started:

* If you break a rule and are privately contacted by a LadderOp or are just privately reminded of a rule in an attempt to help keep you from breaking it, don't take it so personally. It's happened to ALL of us at one time or another and yes, even to me. ;) For those of you who think we have too many rules or the one's we have are too strict, I suggest you take a stroll around the various ladders available through Case's and read their rules. Ours are very common and pale in comparision. If you don't like a rule and think it should be changed, the Support link is available to everyone (chose 'Rules' or 'Suggestion' from the drop down list on the form) and you're welcome to use it :).

The LadderOps are only doing what is expected of them, what they were voted in to do by the members of this ladder and it is for the benefit of ALL the player's on the Ladder that the rules are enforced equally. Lashing out, calling them 'Power Trippers' or "GOD" accomplishes nothing and is not true. They are only doing what we asked them to do: Enforce the rules, all of the rules, even the one's you don't like, in order to keep it fair. A fair ladder is a fun ladder. :)

If you don't agree with the reminder/warning/penalty, contact to dispute it. It will be handled confidentially by an member of Staff. There is no need to attack the Op in public or private for doing their job. Ops are not permitted to discuss warnings or penalties with anyone other than the players involved. In other words, the only way anyone other than the Op Team will know you filed a complaint or were reminded/warned in the first place is if YOU announce it. The exception to this is in the case of a penalty which is posted in the Daily News and by that time you've had an official private warning. Another thing is, not all warnings/penalties are issued by the Op Team. They are occasionally issued by Ladder Staff and if you wish to dispute it, contact the Staff member who issued the warning/penalty OR contact Taking it out on the members of the Op Team serves no purpose other than to maybe increase your penalty time for abuse if you go too far :(.

Let's make one thing clear: Yes, this is a game and it is supposed to be fun but it is also a ladder and make no mistake, ladders are competitive. We make friends, we joke around, we play Yacht and (with the exception of the Op Team who are not permitted to be above #25) the players are here to climb the ladder to reach #1. If everything but the last part interests you, do what you can to stay out of the top ranks where the pressure can be intense and the rules are strictly enforced. There are special rules up there about playing rank in order and how often and in all fairness, must be enforced. If you don't want or can't handle the responsibility or don't have the time to fulfill them, request a Voluntary Rank Reduction through the Support link. No one will think any less of you if you do. On the contrary, your sense of fairness and good sportsmanship will shine through and be appreciated by your fellow players :)

* If someone says something that you don't like, ignore it. There is no reason to make snide comments or cause a big ruckus in the room or in the forum because someone you are not fond of spoke to you, about you or in general. Remember: Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should. In other words, just because you're in the safety of your home, behind a screen doesn't mean you should conduct yourself any differently than you would in public. Polite rules of society still apply on here contrary to the belief of a few and there are also rules of behavior that we all agreed to abide by when we joined this ladder. If you can't say anything nice, why say anything at all and risk a penalty? :)

Now I'm not saying you should sit there and take actual abuse (cursing, accusations of cheating etc..) but if you have made every effort to ignore someone and make no comments back and they continue to harass and abuse you, then copy the chat and file a complaint through the Support link. Two wrongs don't make a right and by arguing back you become part of the problem, not the solution. Take the high road and ignore them. It's only words and it will only bother or affect you if YOU let it.

If you find it absolutely necessary to comment back and continue the argument, use the 'Private' button in the room or take it to the Head to Head. That's what it's there for. Say what needs to be said in there and the rest of us don't get disturbed by it. :)

What gets said in the Head to Head STAYS in the Head to Head. It's rough in there. It's open to every member of Case's regardless of their Ladder, it's NOT monitored by Ops or Staff (read by some, yes but not moderated) and there is a warning posted before you even enter. If you don't want to be attacked, or see foul language (or generally be bummed out for the day, lol) then avoid it at all costs. It's not a nice place but it is necessary for those who need a place to vent, no-holds barred and when used properly it can be very helpful in getting everything out on the table and settled so life can go on and the rest of us are none the wiser, as it should be.

Another thing I would like to point out: Flipside hosts have absolutely no say in Ladder matters. If you have a beef with a ladder player, copy the chat and use the Support link on Case's Ladder. Please do NOT call in a Host unless the player is out of control in the room at that exact moment and not cooperating with the LadderOps or HDTD/TD or if the player isn't even on the Ladder and harassing the room. Hosts are a LAST resort. The mute button should always be your first step when confronted by an abusive player, ladder or not.

All I'm asking is that we all accept responsibility for the way we react to things and do our best to keep cooler heads. Not everything has to become World War 3 or a Soap Opera. We are mostly adults on this ladder and we can discuss things in a civilized fashion. This has nothing to do with freedom of speech. No one is saying you can't engage in a debate or make points if you want. All I'm saying is use the proper outlets available to us, stay within the rules and keep it civil, try not to disturb the rest of us who wish to remain out of the fray.

We are here to have fun and we can all do our part to make sure that happens if we just take a step back and don't sweat the small stuff. Breathe before jumping to conclusions, taking things too personally or biting back. Please? If all else fails, the LadderOps are here to assist you as is the Support link on the Ladder site.

Thanks very much for listening and have a great day! :)


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