Re: Possible Rule Changes

Re: Possible Rule Changes

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Posted by beajay60 (Ranked 8 on Cribbage GD (Gaming Safari) Ladder) on February 06, 2023 at 18:34:12 PST:

In Reply to: Possible Rule Changes posted by BonziPogo (OpManager) on February 06, 2023 at 08:06:15 PST:

: Good morning,

: We have received a suggestion for a couple possible rule changes. I wanted to gauge how much interest there is on these, before putting them up for vote.

: 1. Make 1vs2 a "best of 3", instead of "best of 5".

: 2. Allow players to play twice per day, instead of once per day.

: If there's more than a few people interested, I'll see if we can get this put to a more formal vote.

: Best regards,

: BonziPogo, Op Manager
: Case's Ladder
Firstly, I am one that feels the rules do not need to change (what isn't broke - don't fix it) I have seen comments that there are 1000 folks in the room, not sure where that has come from. I have been in the room since the mid 90's and yes, there was a few hundred of us, but never did i see a thousand. Unfortunately during my time in this room , i have had many friends pass on. I understand that if folks were a gold member or possibly platinum as well, their names are there to stay on our "members" list. The younger generation have their "i pads, tablets, cell phones etc., they are not interested in now "old fashion games like crib" lol Lets leave the rules the way they are

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